Concussion Management
Concussion Management
Aurora King Baseball Association values the long term health of all participants.
As such we have a comprehensive Concussion Management Policy and associated procedures.
We have been working closely with other sports and concussion related groups to ensure our policies are up to date and address concerns specific to baseball.
The policy and procedures that were passed by our Board of Directors represent countless hours of work and consultation. These policies are required by the Province of Ontario under Rowan’s Law.
Below is our policy and procedures, codes of conduct and Government of Ontario approved resources for AKBA participants to review before participating.
Ministry Approved Concussion Awareness Resources – REQUIRED:
- MTCS Concussion Awareness Resources - 10 & Under
- MTCS Concussion Awareness Resources - 11 – 14
- AKBA Athlete resource review sign off form
- AKBA Coach resource review sign off form
AKBA Concussion Codes of Conduct – REQUIRED:
AKBA Policies & Forms